Digital vs printed rendering of TikZ pictures


This may be related to printers setup and/or flattening options of pdf files (I have no clue about) so I might be off topic but I would need advice/guidelines on the following problem.

Here is my TikZ picture with dots on the pdf.

enter image description here

Once printed, the dots are replaced with straight lines.

enter image description here

I \includegraphics the pdf of the following standalone TikZ.
I don't this it has to do with my diagram itself but in case


level distance=1cm,
        level 1/.style={sibling distance=2cm},
        level 2/.style={sibling distance=3.0cm},
        level 3/.style={sibling distance=3cm},
        level 4/.style={sibling distance=1.5cm},                
    \node (cash) {Cash} 
    child { node {Term}
        child { node (future) {Futures}}            
        child { node[top color=red,bottom color=red,rounded corners,minimum height = 0.7cm,text=white] (forward) {Forwards}
            child { node {Bonds}
                child { node {Fix}}
                child { node {Floating}}
            child { node {Swaps}
                child { node {IRS}}
                child { node {TRS}}
            child { node (options){Options}
                child { node (vanillas) {Vanillas}}
                child { node (exotics) {Exotics}}
    }   ;
    \draw[latex-latex, dotted] (forward.west) -- (future.east) ;
    \draw[latex-latex, dotted] (forward.north) -- (cash.east) ;
    \draw[latex-latex, dotted] (future.north) -- (cash.west) ;
    \draw[latex-latex, dotted] (options.north) -- (cash.east) ;
    \draw[-latex, dotted] (vanillas.south) to [bend right] (exotics.south) ;


Best Answer

It compiles in TeXShop(fully updated) using MacTeX(fully updated) and prints on Brother HL2250DN printer directly from mac(fully updated) preview.

Photo of a printout of the code