Changing the title of an AMS article to small caps


This question shows how to remove the full capitalization of the title when using amsart.cls. However, I'd still like to have small capitalization (and bold font) in the title, so that the title doesn't look smaller than the section headings. How can we do that?

Best Answer

Adapting the example from the linked question there are two options. Either put \textsc{} in the title manually:

\author{My name}
\title{\textsc{My $abc\beta$-title With Caps}}


\def\uppercasenonmath#1{} % this disables uppercasing title
\let\MakeUppercase\relax % this disables uppercasing authors

\section{My section}
My text


Or put \scshape in the temporary redefinition of \uppercasenonmath:

\author{My name}
\title{My $abc\beta$-title With Caps}


\def\uppercasenonmath#1{\scshape} % this disables uppercasing title
\let\MakeUppercase\relax % this disables uppercasing authors

\section{My section}
My text



enter image description here

Note that both options require \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} to use T1 font encoding, because OT1 encoding does not have the smallcaps+bold combination for the Computer Modern font.

Note also that this requires PDFLaTeX.