[Tex/LaTex] Mimicking amsart’s font sizes in the article class


I've been trying to customize the tableofcontents and sections to my own liking in the amsart class, but a lot (if not all) of the packages for either of these two functions are incompatible with amsart. At the suggestion of a few here, I've decided to switch to the article class, which easily let me change them to my heart's content. However, I'm a huge fan of amsart's font sizes and headings, and I'd like to emulate that style in the article class. I've managed to mimic the headings using fancyhdr but I'm at a loss for emulating the font sizes.

Wikibooks here shows the specific differences in the font sizes between article and amsart.
For the lazy

I was wondering how I could alter each of article's font sizes (e.g. \tiny to \Huge) to match the absolute point sizes of amsart's. Perhaps some type of \renewcommand{\tiny}{\fontsize{7.33325}} macro?

Best Answer

I have put the stuff for the font sizes of the class amsart in a separate package amssizes:

\ProvidesPackage{amssizes}[2012/09/11 v1.0 Font size stuff from class amsart]

  \count@\@currsizeindex \advance\count@#1\relax
  \ifnum\count@<\z@ \count@\z@ \else\ifnum\count@>12 \count@12 \fi\fi
  \bigskipamount.7\baselineskip plus.7\baselineskip
  \medskipamount\bigskipamount \divide\medskipamount\tw@
  \smallskipamount\medskipamount \divide\smallskipamount\tw@
  \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
  \advance\belowdisplayshortskip 1\smallskipamount
  \jot\baselineskip \divide\jot 4 \relax
\renewcommand\normalsize{\@xsetfontsize\normalsize 6%
  \@adjustvertspacing \let\@listi\@listI}
\DeclareRobustCommand{\Tiny}{\@xsetfontsize\Tiny 1}
\DeclareRobustCommand{\tiny}{\@xsetfontsize\tiny 2}
\DeclareRobustCommand{\SMALL}{\@xsetfontsize\SMALL 3}
\DeclareRobustCommand{\Small}{\@xsetfontsize\Small 4%
  \def\@listi{\topsep\smallskipamount \parsep\z@skip \itemsep\z@skip
    \labelwidth=\leftmargini \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
\DeclareRobustCommand{\small}{\@xsetfontsize\small 5\@adjustvertspacing}
\DeclareRobustCommand{\large}{\@xsetfontsize\large 7\@adjustvertspacing}
\DeclareRobustCommand{\Large}{\@xsetfontsize\Large 8\@adjustvertspacing}
\DeclareRobustCommand{\LARGE}{\@xsetfontsize\LARGE 9}

    \or{10}{12}% normalsize
    \or{\@xipt}{13}% normalsize
    \or{\@xiipt}{14}% normalsize
    \or{8}{10}% normalsize
    \or{9}{11}% normalsize

The package sets the sizes for the standard size commands. Additionally:

  • Macros \larger and \smaller are available.

  • Size command \Tiny is added to the standard commands.

  • The different font sizes are:

    • \Tiny
    • \tiny
    • \SMALL (\scriptsize)
    • \small (\footnotesize)
    • \normalsize
    • \large
    • \Large
    • \LARGE
    • \huge
    • \Huge

\sriptsize and \footnotesize are defined as \SMALL and \small. That allows an easy redefinition of the size.





  \texttt{\textbackslash #1} &
    \csname #1\endcsname
  \f@size pt\\
\texttt{\textbackslash @mainsize} & \texttt{\@mainsize}pt \\


Font sizes for 11pt