Caption begins inside table in tufte-book


If I use the table* environment and the table is wide, the caption starts inside the table. Here is the example


    This will be a wide table so that the caption  will start inside the table, unfortunately\\
    This will be a wide table so that the caption  will start inside the table, unfortunately\\

I certainly could use a \bigskip before the \caption as a workaround, but I think moving the caption furher to the right would be preferrable.


Best Answer

In the tufte-book captions are placed in a margin. In the case of use of the wide table or figure environment you need define offset of caption. Details are described in the package documentation, so here two cases: caption above table and below table:


    This will be a wide table so that the caption  will start inside the table, unfortunately\\
    This will be a wide table so that the caption  will start inside the table, unfortunately\\
  \caption[][-3ex]{Caption is above table}
%  \setfloatalignment{t}
    This will be a wide table so that the caption  will start inside the table, unfortunately\\
    This will be a wide table so that the caption  will start inside the table, unfortunately\\
  \caption[][2ex]{Caption is below table}

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