BibTex Bibiography: Referencing web resources


I inserted a BibTeX bibiography from JabRef to my LyX document.I need to cite a web resource.

In JabRef, I tried to insert the web reference manually as below.

  note         = {(Accessed on 29th May 2020)},
  url          = {},
  organization = {IEC},
  title        = {Title},
  year         = {2014},

However, in the LyX output, the reference only displays the title. Would anyone please suggest how to display it as "Title. Available online: URL (accessed on Day Month Year). "?

Thank you.

Best Answer

The journal's suggestion not to employ a \bibliographystyle directive makes no sense, as without such a directive one cannot even begin to create a bibliography via BibTeX.

To keep things as generic as possible, I would like to suggest the following work-around: (a) load the cite citation management package (it'll generate numeric-style citation call-outs) and (b) employ a bibliography style -- say, plainnat -- that knows what to do when it encounters a field called url.

The journal's editorial staff should have no problems with this setup, as it's trivially easy to employ a different citation management package and a different bibliography style and then run a full recomplie cycle -- LaTeX, BibTeX, and LaTeX twice more -- to generate a new pdf file that reflects the journal's preferred settings regarding the formatting of bibiographic entries and the style of citation call-outs.

enter image description here

  note         = {(Accessed on 29 May 2020)},
  url          = {},
  author       = {{International Electrotechnical Commission}},
  title        = {{Internet of Things}: Wireless Sensor Networks},
  year         = {2014},

\usepackage{xurl} % allow linebreaks at arbitrary places in a URL string
