Biblatex: Inconsistent behavior of `citetitle` (quotation marks vs. italic)


  • Observation: It seems like the \citetitle command formats the title differently depending on the entry type.
  • MWE: In the example below, an article is formatted as "Title" (I assume \enquote{Title}) and report is formatted as \textit{Title}.
  • Question: (1) Is this intended? (2) Can I force (in a clean non-hacky way) the same formatting (I prefer "Title" or \enquote{Title})?


% See

\item[Article] \citetitle{baez/article} % @article{baez/article,
\item[(Tech)Report] \citetitle{padhye} % @report{padhye,

enter image description here


Best Answer

It seems like the \citetitle command formats the title differently depending on the entry type.

Indeed. From there to the "inconsistent" in the title, it is a step though... I haven't done the setup, but to me it seems that it is different for each entry type precisely to be consistent with how the title is formatted elsewhere (bibliography, etc.).

But, as usual, with biblatex you can have it your way. The starred version of \DeclareFieldFormat* allows you to override all type-specific settings for a particular format:




\item[Article] \citetitle{baez/article} % @article{baez/article,
\item[(Tech)Report] \citetitle{padhye} % @report{padhye,

enter image description here

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