Beamer stop slide numbering after some slides


OK, I have put some pretty nice slides for my forthcoming conference paper presentation. I used the slide numbering format SLIDE No./TOTAL SLIDES. But I added some backup slides to help answer potential questions at the end of my presentation (after the Conclusion slide).

So I want the slide numbering to stop at the conclusion slide since those backup slides are not part of my talk.



{Here's my paper title}

\author[F.~Author, S.~Author \& L.~Author] 
{F.~Author\inst{1} S.~Author\inst{1,}\inst{2} \and L.~ Author\inst{1,}\inst{3}}

    The University
    Institute ABC
  Lab XYZ

\date[PQR 2021] 
{PQR2021  \\September 19-22, 2021






\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{Data Collection}

\section{Conclusion }% 
          \item Some points.
          \item More points.
          \item Yet even more points.

\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{Backup Slide}
    \textbf{Figure to ans potential question}
    \textit{Table XXX}


In this case, the Conclusion slide number should be 6/6 not 6/8.

Best Answer

You can put additional material (backup slides) in appendix and add \setbeamertemplate{page number in head/foot}[appendixframenumber] in the preamble. Appendix will then use its own numbering.


{Here's my paper title}

\author[F.~Author, S.~Author \& L.~Author] 
{F.~Author\inst{1} S.~Author\inst{1,}\inst{2} \and L.~ Author\inst{1,}\inst{3}}

    The University
    Institute ABC
  Lab XYZ

\date[PQR 2021] 
{PQR2021  \\September 19-22, 2021

\setbeamertemplate{page number in head/foot}[appendixframenumber]





\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{Data Collection}

\section{Conclusion }% 
          \item Some points.
          \item More points.
          \item Yet even more points.

\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{Backup Slide}
    \textbf{Figure to ans potential question}
    \textit{Table XXX}

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