Alignment problem with a subfigure histogram plot


I am facing an alignment problem with a subfigure plots, that I do not have any clue how to fix it, and I have tried to make theme as image, but I have the same problem. The main problem is shown in the figure below. As it shows, the graphs are not aligned, or they are not of the same size (title/caption as well). The plots are made via pgfplots and subfig packges. The code used to generate them are in the end of this text. Any help is welcome!!!

Edit: The main error of the standalone class as figure


enter image description here

\centering %
        title={Manufacture 1},
        set layers,axis background,
        height=6cm, width=8.5cm,
        bar width=0.14cm,
        set layers,
        axis background,
        ymajorgrids, tick align=inside,
       major grid  style={dashed,draw=gray!15}, 
        ymin=1000, ymax=13000,
        enlarge x limits={abs=0.1cm}
        axis x line*=bottom,
        max space between ticks=14pt,
         xticklabel style={rotate=90,yshift=-0.05cm,xshift=0,color=black},
        enlarge x limits=true,
        ylabel={Number of Sale },
        symbolic x coords={
     BMW, VW, Honda
       enlarge x limits={abs=0.01},
       enlarge x limits=0.05,
        enlarge y limits=0.05,
       nodes near coords={
    \addplot [draw=none, fill=blue] coordinates {
      (BMW,  12766) 
       (VW,  12766) 
       (Honda,  12766) 

   \addplot [draw=none,fill=red] coordinates {
     (BMW,  10901)
     (VW, 6682)    
    (Honda, 9468)
   \addplot [draw=none, fill=green] coordinates {
     (BMW, 8679)
     (VW, 3659)    
     (Honda,  7844)
  \legend{car 1, car 2, car 3}
%     \caption{Subfigure A}

        title={(b) Manufacture 2 },
        set layers,axis background,
        height=6cm, width=8.5cm,
        max space between ticks=40pt,
        bar width=0.14cm,
        set layers,
        axis background,
        ymajorgrids, tick align=inside,
       major grid  style={dashed,draw=gray!15}, 
        ymin=1000, ymax=6000,
        enlarge x limits={abs=0.1cm}
        axis x line*=bottom,
        y tick label style={scaled ticks=base 10:-4},
           xticklabel style={rotate=90,yshift=0.1cm,xshift=0,color=black},
        enlarge x limits=true,
        symbolic x coords={BMW, VW, Honda 
       enlarge x limits={abs=0.01},
       enlarge x limits=0.05,
        enlarge y limits=0.05,
       nodes near coords={
    \addplot [draw=none, fill=blue] coordinates {
     (BMW, 5153)
 (VW, 4522)
 (Honda, 4522)

  \legend{Electric Car 2060 }
           \caption{Subfigure B}

        title={Manufacture 3},
        set layers,axis background,
        height=6cm, width=8.5cm,
        bar width=0.14cm,
        set layers,
        axis background,
        ymajorgrids, tick align=inside,
       major grid  style={dashed,draw=gray!15}, 
        ymin=1000, ymax=21111,
        enlarge x limits={abs=0.1cm}
        axis x line*=bottom,
           xticklabel style={rotate=90,yshift=-0.05cm,xshift=0,color=black},
        enlarge x limits=true,
        symbolic x coords={
        BMW, VW, Honda
       enlarge x limits={abs=0.01},
       enlarge x limits=0.05,
        enlarge y limits=0.05,
       nodes near coords={
    \addplot [draw=none, fill=red] coordinates {
(BMW, 19289)
 (VW, 20289)
 (Honda, 20289)
   \addplot [draw=none,fill=blue] coordinates {
 (VW, 20489)
      (VW, 20289)
       (Honda, 20289)

   \addplot [draw=none, fill=green] coordinates {
 (VW, 20489)
 \legend{Car 1, Car 2, Car 3}
        \caption{Subfigure C}

Best Answer

A couple of problems:

  • your graphs have different widths because some have an x label, others don't. If you scale them (which you shouldn't do with elements that contain text) to all have the same width, their height will no longer match. You can avoid this by using a dummy label for the other graphs.

  • Empty lines and other white spaces are important! With all the empty lines in your code, you force line breaks between your images and all the unprotected line endings act as white spaces.

        title={Manufacture 1},
        set layers,axis background,
        height=6cm, width=8.5cm,
        bar width=0.14cm,
        set layers,
        axis background,
        ymajorgrids, tick align=inside,
       major grid  style={dashed,draw=gray!15}, 
        ymin=1000, ymax=13000,
        enlarge x limits={abs=0.1cm}
        axis x line*=bottom,
        max space between ticks=14pt,
         xticklabel style={rotate=90,yshift=-0.05cm,xshift=0,color=black},
        enlarge x limits=true,
        ylabel={\strut Number of Sale },
        symbolic x coords={
     BMW, VW, Honda
       enlarge x limits={abs=0.01},
       enlarge x limits=0.05,
        enlarge y limits=0.05,
       nodes near coords={
    \addplot [draw=none, fill=blue] coordinates {
      (BMW,  12766) 
       (VW,  12766) 
       (Honda,  12766) 

   \addplot [draw=none,fill=red] coordinates {
     (BMW,  10901)
     (VW, 6682)    
    (Honda, 9468)
   \addplot [draw=none, fill=green] coordinates {
     (BMW, 8679)
     (VW, 3659)    
     (Honda,  7844)
  \legend{car 1, car 2, car 3}
%     \caption{Subfigure A}
        title={(b) Manufacture 2 },
        set layers,axis background,
        height=6cm, width=8.5cm,
        max space between ticks=40pt,
        bar width=0.14cm,
        set layers,
        axis background,
        ymajorgrids, tick align=inside,
       major grid  style={dashed,draw=gray!15}, 
        ymin=1000, ymax=6000,
        enlarge x limits={abs=0.1cm}
        axis x line*=bottom,
        y tick label style={scaled ticks=base 10:-4},
           xticklabel style={rotate=90,yshift=0.1cm,xshift=0,color=black},
        enlarge x limits=true,
        symbolic x coords={BMW, VW, Honda 
       enlarge x limits={abs=0.01},
       enlarge x limits=0.05,
        enlarge y limits=0.05,
       nodes near coords={
    \addplot [draw=none, fill=blue] coordinates {
     (BMW, 5153)
 (VW, 4522)
 (Honda, 4522)
  \legend{Electric Car 2060 }
           \caption{Subfigure B}
        title={Manufacture 3},
        set layers,axis background,
        height=6cm, width=8.5cm,
        bar width=0.14cm,
        set layers,
        axis background,
        ymajorgrids, tick align=inside,
       major grid  style={dashed,draw=gray!15}, 
        ymin=1000, ymax=21111,
        enlarge x limits={abs=0.1cm}
        axis x line*=bottom,
           xticklabel style={rotate=90,yshift=-0.05cm,xshift=0,color=black},
        enlarge x limits=true,
        symbolic x coords={
        BMW, VW, Honda
       enlarge x limits={abs=0.01},
       enlarge x limits=0.05,
        enlarge y limits=0.05,
       nodes near coords={
    \addplot [draw=none, fill=red] coordinates {
(BMW, 19289)
 (VW, 20289)
 (Honda, 20289)
   \addplot [draw=none,fill=blue] coordinates {
 (VW, 20489)
      (VW, 20289)
       (Honda, 20289)
   \addplot [draw=none, fill=green] coordinates {
 (VW, 20489)};
 \legend{Car 1, Car 2, Car 3}
        \caption{Subfigure C}%

enter image description here