Algorithm2e – write IfThenElse in one line


I have the following example


        \lIf{$\max_{\mathcal{AV}} > \theta_5$}
            \Return the tracklet with $\max_{\mathcal{AV}}$.
            \Return no speaker.

however I do not want if and else be in two separate lines, but only in one.

Could anyone help me, please?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Define \lIfElse{<condition>}{<true>}{<false>} to insert the <false> clause as part of <true>:

enter image description here



\newcommand{\lIfElse}[3]{\lIf{#1}{#2 \textbf{else}~#3}}

  \lIfElse{$b$}{\Return True}{\Return False}