Algorithm2e – Defining 2 separate functions in same document


I am new to using Algorithm2e in Latex, and Latex in general. I am trying to define multiple functions in one document. I have this so far:




    \KwIn{tags per post ($T_i,_p$) within a given cell ($C$) for the        entire grid ($G$) }
    \KwOut{set of weighted tags within given cell (\^T$_c$) calculated across the entire grid (G)}
\Fn{\FMain{$T_i,_p$, $C$, $G$}}
\ForAll{$C$ within G}
    \ForEach{($T_i,_p$) within C}{
    \ForEach{tag($t$) across $G$}{
    \ForEach{($T_i,_p$) within $C$ for $G$}{
    \^T$_c$ $\leftarrow$TF-IDF($t$, $C$,$G$) 
{return \^T$_c$\;}

\caption{Calculation of TF-IDF}


\KwIn{spatially normalised tags in cell $(V_1)$, spatially normalised tags in cell $(V_2)$}
\KwOut{cosine similarity measure ($C_s$) for $V_1$, $V_2$}

\FTest{\FTest{$V_1$, $V_2$}}
    \For{$V_1$, $V_2$}{
        transform($V_1$, $V_2$) \tcp*[f]{Transform vectors to same magnitude}}
$C_s$$\leftarrow$ cos($V_1$, $V_2$) = $V_1$ . $V_2$ / ||$V_1$|| * ||$V_2$||
{return $C_s$\;}

\caption{Calculation of Semantic Similarity (Cosine-based algorithm)}

It prints out the following. The first function is fine, however the syntax is not doing what I want to in the 2nd algorithm/function. How do I define the algorithm so that is writes "Function Cosine_similarity(V1, V2):" in line 1?

enter image description here

Best Answer

You have

\FTest{\FTest{$V_1$, $V_2$}}

which should be


I've made several changes, please take note of them.




\KwIn{tags per post ($T_i,_p$) within a given cell ($C$) for the entire grid ($G$) }
\KwOut{set of weighted tags within given cell ($\hat{T}_c$) calculated across the entire grid ($G$)}
\Fn{\FMain{$T_{i,p}$, $C$, $G$}}
   \ForAll{$C$ within $G$}
      \ForEach{$(T_{i,p})$ within $C$}
         \ForEach{tag$(t)$ across $G$}
        \ForEach{$(T_{i,p})$ within $C$ for $G$}
           $\hat{T}_c\leftarrow\FMain{$t, C,G$}$
      return $\hat{T}_c$\;
\caption{Calculation of TF-IDF}

\KwIn{spatially normalised tags in cell $(V_1)$, spatially normalised tags in cell $(V_2)$}
\KwOut{cosine similarity measure ($C_s$) for $V_1$, $V_2$}
   \For{$V_1$, $V_2$}
      transform($V_1$, $V_2$) \tcp*[f]{Transform vectors to same magnitude}
   $C_s\leftarrow \cos(V_1, V_2) = V_1 \bullet V_2 / (\|V_1\|\cdot\|V_2\|)$
      return $C_s$\;
\caption{Calculation of Semantic Similarity (Cosine-based algorithm)}


enter image description here