Algorithm caption left alignment


I am struggling with moving the caption's location to the left.
Is there a way to fix the alignment of the caption in the algorithm?

Below are some of the packages that I used and the code.


\usepackage[ruled, lined, linesnumbered, commentsnumbered, resetcount, longend]{algorithm2e}


\caption{Offine Algorithm}\label{alg:offline}

enter image description here

Best Answer

A solution that worked

Add the code line:


right before

\caption{Offine Algorithm}\label{alg:offline}

in your code to remove the horizontal space before the caption.

The full code example is:

\usepackage[ruled, lined, linesnumbered, commentsnumbered, resetcount, longend]{algorithm2e}


\SetAlCapHSkip{0ex} % <----------------- This is the line you should add.
\caption{Offine Algorithm}\label{alg:offline}



After you compile and run the code, it will look like this: enter image description here


This solution is taken from page 23 of the algorithm2e package documentation, which you can find at or access through

On this page, it says that

\SetAlCapHSkip{length} sets the horizontal skip before Algorithm: in caption when used in ruled algorithm.

You might find some additional useful macros there to boost your project.

Good luck!