[Physics] Why is neutral sigma baryon more massive than lambda baryon


Neutral sigma-star baryon, neutral sigma baryon and lambda baryon have masses 1387 MeV, 1192 MeV, 1116 MeV respectively, whereas each of these 3 particles are composed of 1 up, 1 down and 1 strange quark. Neutral sigma-star baryon (spin 3/2) is more massive than neutral sigma baryon (spin 1/2) because of hyperfine splitting but why neutral sigma baryon is more massive than lambda baryon, which is also spin 1/2 particle like neutral sigma baryon?

Best Answer

If one considers the baryon octet


the lambda 0 is a singlet in isospin and the sigma zero is in a triplet.

The explanation of the mass difference

The neutral sigma can decay to the lambda without violating conservation of strangeness, so it proceeds rapidly by the electromagnetic interaction. The sigma-zero and lambda-zero have the same quark constituents so the sigma-zero can be considered to be an electromagnetic excited state of the lambda-zero

Also there exists the Gell Mann- Okubo phenomenological formula which gives the mass according to the isospin.

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