MATLAB: Xlsread requires internet connection

internet connectionxlsread

Hi everyone, I am using Matlab 2016b and Microsoft Office 365 with Excel. I found out that xlsread only works with an internet connection. Otherwise it throws me an error message, saying the the open command of excel could not be excecuted. Is there any workaround for that or do I need a stable internet connection?

Best Answer

xlsread delegates all the hard work of opening/reading the file to Excel. So if xlsread reports that it failed to open the file, that is because Excel failed to open to file.
Excel normally does not require an internet connection. So if it fails to open a file because of that, check that:
  • the file you're trying to open is on the local machine
  • the excel file does not contain links to files on the network
But your problem is not with xlsread or matlab but with Excel or the file itself.