MATLAB: Writing cell array with inconsistent size cells to txt

formatspecfprintfMATLABtext file

I have an 1818×1 cell array (attached) that is set up like this:
I want to write this to a text file (or anything that will open in excel really) where each value of each cell in the array is given it's own cell in Excel per row. That's not particularly well explained I think so I've attached an example desired output excel file.
I found code in the help section but I can't figure out how to write all values of a single cell and then move to the next row. This is what I've been using:
>> fileID = fopen('celldata.dat','w');
>> formatSpec = '%d\n';
>> [nrows,ncols] = size(allAreasV);
for row = 1:nrows
>> fclose(fileID);
I guess it's a formatSpec problem but I'm not sure what I need to write there.

Best Answer

[fid,msg] = fopen('celldata.csv','wt');
for k = 1:numel(allAreasV)
The CSV file it creates is attached, and looks like this in Excel: