MATLAB: How can i assign certain length for each column of exported text file

character lengthexported text file

I am trying to write a 8680*18 cell array in to a text file. But i need to assign certain defferent lenght for elements in each column (i.e. all elements in first have 3 characters and all elements in the second column have 12 characters, etc). can anyone help?
Thank you

Best Answer

None of the Mathworks supplied tools for writing out matrices support that, so you will need to construct it yourself.
col_widths = [3 12 etc];
fmt_cell = [sprintfc('%%%ds', col_widths), '\n'];
fmt = [fmt_cell{:}];
your_cell_transpose = your_cell.';
fid = fopen('YourFile.txt', 'wt');
fprintf(fid, fmt, your_cell_transpose{:});