MATLAB: Writing bin data to *.dat file


Hey everybody,
again I couldn't find the right solution and need your wise counsel 😉
I have a binary vector i.e. like this: x = rand(50,1)*7; x = fi(x,false,3,0) x = bin(x);
Now I want to write this to a dat file. I acutally thought I could use dlmwrite('test.dat', x, 'newline', 'pc') but if x = [101 ; 110 ; 001 ; 011 ; …]
the test.dat file looks like this: 1,0,1 1,1,0 0,0,1 0,1,1 . . .
and not like I would like to have it: 101 110 001 011 . . .
Any idea how I can teach dlmwrite to neglect the commas while still using the newline parameter? Should I probably use some other function?
Beste regards and thanks in advance,

Best Answer

I don’t have the Fixed Point Designer, so I’m relying on the documentation for bin. The bin function returns a character array, and the dlmwrite function writes only numeric data. So it would seem that you have to convert the string to double-precision numeric, and use the 'precision' name-value pair argument.
See if this does what you want:
x = ['101' ; '110' ; '001' ; '011'];
xn = str2num(x);
dlmwrite('#TEST.txt', xn, 'precision','%03d')
type #TEST.txt
You will have to experiment to tweak it to your specifications, but this seems to be as close as dlmwrite can get to doing what you want.