MATLAB: Trying to remove range of negative numbers from a specific column of multiple rows

text file

I am trying to remove negative numbers < -13.5 from a text file from column 14 of each row (text file attached; within21rm.txt). I am using Idx=cellfun, but it isn't recognizing that I need to set a restriction on negative numbers.
Below is my code:
clear all
fidi = fopen('within21rm.txt','rt');
Glxc = textscan(fidi, '%s', 'Delimiter','|');
Glxcs = textscan(fidi, '%s', 'EndOfLine','\r\n');
dlen = 18*fix(length(Glxc{:})/18); % Set Row Length
Glxcr = reshape(Glxc{:}(1:dlen), 18, [])'; % Reshape & Transpose
Idx = cellfun(@(x) str2num(x) < -13.5, Glxcr(:,14), 'Uni',0); % Find Rows With Col14 < -13.5
LIdx = logical(cell2mat(Idx)); % Logical Array From Cell
NewGlxc = Glxcs{:}(LIdx,:); % Rows Of New Array
fido = fopen('faintgrm.txt','wt')
fprintf(fido, '%s\n', NewGlxc{:});

Best Answer

dlen = 18*fix(length(Glxc{:})/18); % Set Row Length
Glxcr = reshape(Glxc{:}(1:dlen), 18, [])'; % Reshape & Transpose
NewGlxc = Glxcs{:}(LIdx,:); % Rows Of New Array
fido = fopen('faintgrm.txt','wt')
fprintf(fido, '%s\n', NewGlxc{:});