MATLAB: Character restriction in text file

text file

I am trying to restrict a text file by only keeping lines that contain 'M' in the first column.
I wrote the code below, except 'M' cannot be used in str2double. Would there be an alternative way to write this? Code below:
clear all
fidi = fopen('BTM.txt','rt');
Glxc = textscan(fidi, '%s', 'Delimiter','|');
Glxcs = textscan(fidi, '%s', 'EndOfLine','\r\n');
dlen = 2*fix(length(Glxc{:})/2); % Set Row Length
Glxcr = reshape(Glxc{:}(1:dlen), 2, [])'; % Reshape & Transpose

LIdx= (str2double(Glxcr(:,2))<=1813.1) & (str2double(Glxcr(:,1))='M')% Reshape & Transpose
NewGlxc = Glxcs{:}(LIdx,:); % Rows Of New Array
fido = fopen('vcc18M.txt','wt')
fprintf(fido, '%s\n', NewGlxc{:});

Best Answer

LIdx = (str2double(Glxcr(:,2))<=1813.1) & ~cellfun(@isempty, regexp(Glxcr(:,1),'^M$'))
If the column only needs to start with 'M' but can contain other characters, use '^M' . If the column only needs to have 'M' somewhere in it, use 'M'