MATLAB: Writing a table into a text file

MATLABstringswriting a table into a text

I am getting so dizzy, i wrote a code and i want to record a table named 'DI' into a text file. I follow the instructions that is given here , but unfortunately it writes something quite different from the original table. I doubted that the code is wrong so i used the example that is given in the above link in my code and it gives me totally right answers.
The code that i use for this text writing is
fprintf(fileID,'%6s %12s\r\n','Time','Damage Index');
fprintf(fileID,'%6.2f %12.8f\r\n',DI);
I would be so thankful if you help me through this.

Best Answer

My guess: column-wise. Change
fprintf(fileID,'%6.2f %12.8f\r\n',DI);
fprintf(fileID,'%6.2f %12.8f\r\n',transpose(DI));