MATLAB: Write a function to extracts number between 2 letters


I am trying to write a MATLAB code that extracts a 3 digit number in between two letters. the tricky part is that the letter after the number could be either (s)or(h)
E.g 1 the filename is 'rfc_f123sars.tif' this should extract 123 which is between _f and s E.g 2 the filename is 'rfc_f456hars.tif' this should extract 456 which is between _f and h Thanks 🙂

Best Answer

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>> str = 'rfc_f123sars.tif' ;
>> regexp( str, '(?<=_f)\d{3}(?=[sh]{1})', 'match', 'once' )
ans =
and slightly different; replace [sh]{1} by (s|h), which is a tiny bit cleaner
>> str = 'rfc_f456hars.tif';
>> regexp( str, '(?<=_f)\d{3}(?=(s|h))', 'match', 'once' )
ans =
If regexp returns empty set out=0