MATLAB: Extracting consecutive digits using regexp


I expected
regexp('ITEM 123', '.+(\d+)', 'tokens')
to return '123'. Why does it only return '3'? What would be the correct expression?

Best Answer

These two returns "123"

cac = regexp('ITEM 123', '.+?(\d+)', 'tokens' )
cac = regexp('ITEM 123', '[^\d]+(\d+)', 'tokens' )
First, '.+' matches anything up til the end of the text, next it gives back just as little as needed to match '(\d+)' , which is one digit.
'.+?' matches as little as needed so that '(\d+)' is able to match the following text.
I prefer '[^\d]+(\d+)'
Or why not just
cac = regexp('ITEM 123', '\d+', 'match' )