MATLAB: Regex question

regular expression regex

[EDIT: 20110525 11:04 CDT – reformat – WDR]
I have the following code
[matchedToken] = regexp(scopeLine,'Channel\s0\sdisplays
I would like the regular expression to match this:
Channel 0 displays
Channel 1 displays
Channel 2 displays
Channel 3 displays
What I want to do is use the variable headercount in a for loop to increment the channel number automatically
% Keeps count of how many header names was located
headerCount = 0;
for j=0:3
[matchedToken] = regexp(scopeLine,'Channel\sheaderCount\sdisplays
I cannot figure out how to do this.
Thanks for any help,

Best Answer

[matchedToken] = regexp(scopeLine,sprintf('Channel\\s%d\\sdisplays