MATLAB: Regexp: extra cell layer in the output

MATLABregexp tokens cell array

I try to decompose a complex header line in tokens:
>> HeaderLine = 'TEKTRONIX TDS 1012B Project Number:0 Sample Name: Depth: 0.000000';
>> regexp(HeaderLine,'^(.*) Project Number:(.*) Sample Name:(.*) Depth: (.*)$', 'tokens')
ans =
{1x4 cell}
However ans itself is a 1×1 cell, but not 1×4 cell as stated above.
Could you please suggest me a way to force regexp to output a pure 1×4 cell array of tokens?
Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

c = regexp(HeaderLine,'^(.*) Project Number:(.*) Sample Name:(.*) Depth: (.*)$', 'tokens');
out = c{:};