MATLAB: MATLAB R2014a can not recognize the usb camera, while the camera works fine with amcap

Image Acquisition Toolboxusbcamerawebcam

My usb camera works fine with amcap ,but R2014a hardware browser can not see my camera.
The result of imaqhwinfo is below
>> imaqhwinfo
ans =
InstalledAdaptors: {}
MATLABVersion: '8.3 (R2014a)'
ToolboxName: 'Image Acquisition Toolbox'
ToolboxVersion: '4.7 (R2014a)'

Best Answer

look at the line
InstalledAdaptors: {}
You don't have any adaptor installed. Please install at least winvideo and you cam should be detected. In order to install the adaptors run
and follow the instructions (choose the OS Generic Video Interface a.k.a winvideo adaptor later on)
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