MATLAB: Is there no DataIndex field in cursor_info for scatter plots


Export cursor data to the workspace using the following steps:
1. Generate a scatter plot using the following code:
[x,y] = meshgrid(0:0.1:1,0:.1:1);
scatter(x(:), y(:),10)
2. Add a few data cursors on the figure.
3. Right-click on the figure and select the ‘Export Cursor Data to Workspace’ option.
The "cursor_info" structure appears in the workspace. This structure has sub-structures corresponding to each data cursor on the plot. I see that each of these sub-structures has two fields: ‘Target’ and ‘Position’.
However, for a plot generated using the PLOT function (e.g., x1 = [1 2 3]; y1 = [4 5 6]; plot(x1,y1);), I find that the corresponding data cursor structures have three fields: ‘Target’, ‘Position’ and ‘DataIndex’.
Note the additional 'DataIndex' field for data cursors in the latter case. Why is there no such 'DataIndex' field in cursor_info for scatter plots?

Best Answer

The 'DataIndex' field is created in the "cursor_info" structure only when data cursors are added to line objects.
This field does not exist for images, surfaces, or any other object.