MATLAB: Is the difference between the figure’s Position and OuterPosition not integer


I'd expect that the Position and the OuterPosition of a figure in pixels units differs by an integer number. But on my Windows7/64, Matlab 2015b system I get:
FigH = figure('Units', 'pixels')
get(FigH, 'Position')
% 289 388 560 420
get(FigH, 'OuterPosition')
% 284.56 383.22 568.89 505.78
set(FigH, 'OuterPosition', [100, 100, 400, 300]);
get(FigH, 'Position')
% 104.11 104.11 391.11 215.11

Best Answer

This happens under Window (at least Windows 7), when you set the text size to a custome value:
Control Panels -> Display -> Set custom text size (DPI)
Choose e.g. 113%
Then the size of the window border is scaled also and does not have an integer pixel size.
A solution is almost trivial, after it is found.