MATLAB: Problem with positioning in GUI

guiresizeuicontrolwithout guide

i am developing a gui with UI controls, when I am defining the size the of the figure to appear, It displays the whole screen, all the other uicontrols are placed properly.
I tried out just just the command line with f=…. in seperate window changing various values in 'pos', but it shows the full screen. any suggestions would be helpful.
function fnt()
pos = [10,10,490,650];
col= [0.831 0.816 0.784];
f = figure('name','Project','numbertitle','off',...
'color',col,'position', pos)
%Name plate
uicontrol('style','text','string','Selected Files',...
'position',[35,600,80,18],'backgroundcolor', col);
%creates a list box
'foregroundcolor', [0 0 0],'backgroundcolor', [1 1 1]);

Best Answer

If you are working with normalized units you should use position values between 0 and 1 to set the position.
The following code creates a figure that is not taking the whole screen:
f = figure('name','Project','numbertitle','off',...
'color',col,'position', [0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5])
I would suggest you to keep using normalized units also for all UICONTROL objects.