MATLAB: Does the silent installer fail with the error “No products are selected. The product lines specified in the input file are invalid”


When performing a silent installation, why does the silent installer fail with the error "No products are selected. The product lines specified in the input file are invalid"?

Best Answer

This error can occur when performing a silent installation without the required installation files. For an silent/automated installation, the complete installation files and File Installation Key are required.
If you are a License Administrator, you can to download the installation files by choosing "download only" with the MATLAB installer or download the ISO files to move to an offline/non-interactive machine.
To obtain the installation files required for a silent/non-interactive installation, please refer to the following article:
How can I get MATLAB installation files for use on an offline machine?
For more information on resolving this error, please refer to the following article:
When running the MATLAB installer why do I see the error "Unable to locate required installation files"?