MATLAB: Does MATLAB always start up in the “C:\Windows\system32\” folder


I just installed a new version of MATLAB and it always starts up in the "C:\Windows\system32\" folder. I tried using the path tool to fix this but it did not seem to help. 
Also, when I query the value of "userpath", it returns an empty string. 
I tried executing "restoredefaultpath" and then "savepath", but this did not seem to fix the issue. 

Best Answer

The startup folder is set to the userpath value, whose default value is "Documents\MATLAB". The userpath folder is automatically added to the search path. If there is a value specified in the Start in field of the Properties dialog box for the MATLAB program, that value is the startup folder, although the userpath is added to the search path.
If MATLAB does not find a valid userpath value upon startup, and the Start in field is empty, the startup folder is C:\Windows\System32.
In order to change the startup folder, please execute the following command: 
>> userpath('reset'); 
Restart MATLAB.
When MATLAB restarts, it should start in the default startup folder which on a Windows system is  "My Documents\MATLAB". 
You can then use the path tool to change this setting to any custom startup location.