MATLAB: Does Bloomberg give “Invalid Security” error when using getdata with ISIN

Datafeed Toolbox

I am trying to get total return of a security( given ISIN)  between a start period and end period.
Given ISIN for Nestle  SA is CH0038863350. In excel, I typically combine the ISIN number in following way.
CH0038863350  ISIN and it fetches the required fields.
I am trying to do the same in Matlab but it results in " Invalid  Security"
fromdate1= '06/30/2017';
startDate = datestr(fromdate1,'YYYYmmDD');
endDate = datestr(todate1,'YYYYmmDD');
crncy= 'USD';
z= 'CH0038863350 ISIN' ;
StocksYTDret= getdata(c,z,'CUST_TRR_RETURN_HOLDING_PER',…
It results in error. Could you tell me what is the best way to get the data as I have 1000+ ISIN numbers to fetch data fronm Bloomberg.

Best Answer

According to the Bloomberg API, the security ISINs should be given in the format '/isin/CH0038863350'. Failure to do so will return a struct with an ERROR field of "Invalid Security" and the data will be NaN.
>> z = '/isin/CH0038863350';
>> StocksYTDret = getdata(c,z,'CUST_TRR_RETURN_HOLDING_PER',{'CUST_TRR_START_DT','CUST_TRR_END_DT','CUST_TRR_CRNCY'},{startDate,endDate,crncy})