MATLAB: Am I encountering unrecognized property ‘expiry’ error while accessing the contact data

ibinteractive brokersinteractivebrokersMATLABtws

Why am I encountering unrecognized property 'expiry' error while accessing the contact data?
I am trying to create a contract and get the Interactive Brokers data, but I am encountering the following error messages for the below code snippet:
>> ibs = ibtws('',7496);
>> pause(1);
>> ibContractData = ibs.Handle.createContract;
>> ibContractData.symbol = 'EUR';
>> ibContractData.secType = 'FUT';
>> = 'GLOBEX';
>> ibContractData.expiry='201806';
>> ibContractData.currency = 'USD';
>> rtd=getdata(ibs,ibContractData)
>> close(ibs);
Unrecognized property 'expiry' for class 'Interface.AE6A66F3_8FA9_4076_9C1F_3728B10A4CC7'.
Error in Untitled (line 9)

Best Answer

You are encountering the error messages because there is no "expiry" property for the "ibContractData".
To resolve this issue, you need to use the property "LastTradeDateOrContractMonth" as follows:
>> ibContractData.LastTradeDateOrContractMonth = '201806';