MATLAB: Do some functions like fread, find, sum (etc) not show up in Profiler


I recently started to use Profiler with the hopes of using it to find performance bottlenecks, etc. Much to my surprise the number of functions and operations that actually show up in Profiler are actually quite small compared to the number I'm actually using in my code. Those listed in the subject line are just a few examples. Can anyone explain why these wouldn't show up in Profiler? Or am I just using it incorrectly?
I started Profiler with:
profile on -history
and started the viewer with:
profile viewer
I also tried looking at the results returned in:
p = profile('info');
But this wasn't any better than what was shown in the viewer.
Please help!

Best Answer

Perhaps the undocumented detail level helps:
profile('on', '-detail', 'builtin')