MATLAB: Print command erroring with ‘Undefined function or method ‘findprop’ for input arguments of type ‘struct’.’

printprint figuressave figures

Recently the print function in matlab has stopped working on one computer of mine, specifically for print('-dmeta'). I use this function extensively for putting figures into powerpoints – but it fails regardless of how I call it. The same code works on other computers. I also can't save figures, weither from the GUI or using matlab functions as it throws the same error.
If I create a figure and call print(gcf, '-dmeta'), it throws the error 'Print command erroring with 'Undefined function or method 'findprop' for input arguments of type 'struct'.''
The stack that the error is thrown at is
In isprop at 40
In C:\MATLAB\R2011a\toolbox\matlab\graphics\private\postProcessPrinttables.p>postProcessPrinttables at 12
In printtables at 17
In graphics\private\inputcheck at 15
In print at 163
Anybody have ideas for settings I could have changed accidentally, or files that could have been corrupted? I've reinstalled Matlab and the error doesn't go away.

Best Answer

what does:
which -all findprop