MATLAB: Does the function ‘details’ show more than ‘disp’ for objects


According to the documentation, the 'details' function provides more information when the input is an object than 'disp'. However, looking at the code of 'details' (which is not a built-in function), it just invokes 'disp'. Then how can it result in a different output? Used MATLAB version: R2015b, Linux 64 bit

Best Answer

>> which -all details
details is a built-in method % string method
details is a built-in method % meta.PackageList method
details is a built-in method % handle method
details is a built-in method % meta.ClassList method
details is a built-in method % meta.FunctionList method
details is a built-in method % meta.TypeList method
details is a built-in method % matlab.mixin.internal.indexing.Paren method
So the disp() source you are looking at is only used for objects that do not have a more specific method.