MATLAB: Do multitasking fixed-step solvers not execute all block outputs when using the MODEL(t,x,u,’outputs’) function in Simulink 6.2 (R14SP2)


I have selected a multitasking fixed step solver for a Simulink model and am calling the command MODEL(t,x,u,'outputs'), as specified in the Simulink documentation. This documentation can be accessed by typing the following command at the MATLAB 7.0.4 prompt:
However, only the outputs of the continuous blocks and blocks of the fundamental step size of the solver are executed. This means blocks of a different sample rate do not have their outputs executed.

Best Answer

The function MODEL(t,x,u,'outputs') should be used only when in single tasking mode. Single tasking mode refers to using a fixed-step solver in single tasking mode or a variable step solver that is defined as single tasking. For information on how to change a model's solver to single tasking, please type the following command at the MATLAB 7.0.4 (R14SP2) prompt: