MATLAB: Does the runtime API in Simulink output a empty signal at the output of an atomic subsystem in Simulink version 6.4(R2006a)


I have an atomic subsystem called 'MYSUB' in my simulink model 'MYMODEL' and I execute the following code on the MATLAB command prompt.
rto = get_param('MYMODEL\MYSUB', 'runtimeobject') % gcb is an atomic subsystem
op = rto.OutputPort(1);;
The output port data 'mydata' is empty although a valid signal is propagated to the output port.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2009a (R2009a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
For previous releases, as a workaround, one can connect another block, e.g. an outport block to the output of the subsystem and use the RunTimeObject of that block.