MATLAB: How to find a particular type of Subsystems


How to find a particular type of Subsystems? I would like to know how many Configurable and Atomic subsystems there are in my system. I tried:
find_system(bdroot, 'FindAll', 'On','FollowLinks', 'On', 'LookUnderMasks', 'On','regexp','on', 'BlockType','AtomicSubSystem'),
but I get an empty matrix, even though I have an Atomic subsystem in the system. The same is with 'ConfigurableSubsystem'. Any help is appreciated 🙂 P.S. 'Atomic SubSystem', 'AtomicSubsystem' and 'Atomic Subsystem' do not work as well.

Best Answer

The reason why this didn't work is because the BlockType for an AtomicSubsystem is still displayed as 'Subsystem'. You can try to extract out the 'TreatAsAtomicUnit' block parameter from the subsystem and check if it is equal to 'on' or 'off'