MATLAB: Do I get “Error using load Can’t read file”


Hello all, I ran this code many times and have never received this result. I have read about it in:, and I even tried to add a clear at the end, but it doesn't seem to help. The Code that I have is:
dir_name = parms.dir_load_data;
dir_list = dir(strcat(dir_name,'\*.mat'));
file_names = {};
count = 1;
% enumerate on cells
for i = 1:length(file_names)
file_name = file_names{i};
dat = load(file_name);
Cell = dat.S;
clear dat;
clearvars -except parms i bSaveDataCells vec_age vec_arena_type file_names;
However when I get to file 38 it crashes, with:
"Error using load
Can't read file C:\Users\elib\Work\data\HD vs MD - For Blind
Error in calc_HD_dist_not_absolute (line 45)
dat = load(file_name);"
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Seems the file is corrupt. Thanks anyway