MATLAB: How to load .dat (or even .txt ) files into matlab workspace

error using loadloading .dat files

I am new to matlab. I am trying to load .dat files from another folder into matlab. I could use .txt files if that is easier.
Here is code I am using:
directory_name=uigetdir(pwd,'Select data directory');
directory_name=([directory_name '\']);
directory_name=uigetdir(pwd,'Select data directory');
directory_name=([directory_name '\'])
This opens the diretory and I am able to choose the folder of choice. However it does not load the file only the filename. In the matlab workspace it shows that file structure to be 1X1.
If I add the following lines:;
I get the following error, of course:
Error using load
Unable to read file 15a001sen2.dat: No such file or
Please advise how to load files. thanks!

Best Answer

[filename directory_name] = uigetfile('*.dat', 'Select a file');
fullname = fullfile(directory_name, filename);
data = load(fullname);