MATLAB: Can’t I download an executable for MATLAB Compiler Runtime version 9.6 (R2019a)

MATLAB Compiler

Why can’t I download an executable for MATLAB Compiler Runtime version 9.6 (R2019a)?

Best Answer

Starting in R2019a, MATLAB Compiler Runtime will no longer be available for download as a self-extracting executable.
The current MCR installer for Windows, which users download from is a 32 bits self extractor created by Winzip.
The size is around 1.7GB for R2018b and 1.8GB for R2019a , the compressed self-extractor is expected to grow to ~2.2GB for future releases.
Both 32 bits and 64 bits executables have size limit of 1.8 – 1.9 GB on Windows.
We have moved to .zip in order to overcome the limitation.
  • As an admin download the Windows runtime installer as instead of the self-extracting executable in past releases.
  • Unzip the contents to a scratch folder and run the setup.exe as Administrator.
  • Incorporate these steps when running the silent set-up and/or for mass deployment.
Note: MCR Runtime is also installed without MATLAB for the execution of compiled MATLAB applications or components. You can download MATLAB Compiler Runtime 9.6 as a plain zip folder. The zip fold will contain a setup.exe file which will allow you to install the MATLAB Compiler Runtime from within that location.