MATLAB: Are pie charts in multiple subplots black


I have a program that generates many pie charts, each within its own subplot. Oddly, after I apply a legend or resize the figure manually, the pies all turn black so that you can no longer see the color wedges. If you follow the example below then maximize the figure so you can see the pies, they should be black. This used to work in 2010 and now in R2012a it does not. What could be the cause?
figure ;
nCol = 23 ; nRow = 15 ;
iPlot = 0 ;
for iRow = 1:nRow
for iCol = 1:nCol
iPlot = iPlot + 1 ;
subplot(nRow, nCol, iPlot) ;
pie(rand(1, 6))
% When we reach this point and resize, pies are in color
% Some time after this point, pies switch to black
delete(findobj('type', 'text'))
labels = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'} ;
legend(labels) ;

Best Answer

They're in color for me after the text deletion step (the text was in black).