MATLAB: How to use suptitle in the subplot


Hi guys
I'm doing I subplot, where I want to make one "Super title". When I use the function suptitle the subplots gets weird! I have attached both plots with and without suptitle function, so you can see the difference…
for j=1:length(SR)
for i=[1:4 6:9] %Creating row x collums for subplot
for c=1:8 %Number of headings
suptitle ('Wave spectrum for')
Isa Duran

Best Answer

I usually build the array of subplots by myself in these cases, because I find that SUBPLOT is a bit too rigid. This essentially means placing axes within a figure, on a grid of equally spaced coordinates of axes lower left corners ((0,0) being the coordinates of the lower left corner if the figure and (1,1) the upper right corner). Here is an example.
% - Define dummy data: 11 time series.
t = 0 : 0.1 : 10 ;
data = 2 * repmat( sin(t).', 1,11 ) + rand( length(t), 11 ) ;
nSeries = size( data, 2 ) ;
% - Build figure.
figure() ; clf ;
set( gcf, 'Color', 'White', 'Unit', 'Normalized', ...
'Position', [0.1,0.1,0.6,0.6] ) ;
% - Compute #rows/cols, dimensions, and positions of lower-left corners.
nCol = 4 ; nRow = ceil( nSeries / nCol ) ;
rowH = 0.58 / nRow ; colW = 0.7 / nCol ;
colX = 0.06 + linspace( 0, 0.96, nCol+1 ) ; colX = colX(1:end-1) ;
rowY = 0.1 + linspace( 0.9, 0, nRow+1 ) ; rowY = rowY(2:end) ;
% - Build subplots axes and plot data.
for dId = 1 : nSeries
rowId = ceil( dId / nCol ) ;
colId = dId - (rowId - 1) * nCol ;
axes( 'Position', [colX(colId), rowY(rowId), colW, rowH] ) ;
plot( t, data(:,dId), 'b' ) ;
grid on ;
xlabel( '\theta(t) [rad]' ) ; ylabel( 'Anomaly [m]' ) ;
title( sprintf( 'Time series %d', dId )) ;
% - Build title axes and title.
axes( 'Position', [0, 0.95, 1, 0.05] ) ;
set( gca, 'Color', 'None', 'XColor', 'White', 'YColor', 'White' ) ;
text( 0.5, 0, 'My Nice Title', 'FontSize', 14', 'FontWeight', 'Bold', ...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'Center', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Bottom' ) ;
EDIT: this outputs