MATLAB: Which MathWorks products are on each of the MATLAB 7.0.1 (R14SP1) or later Windows CD’s


Because the MATLAB 7.0.1 (R14SP1) release is distributed on three CD's, I would like to know which products reside on each CD.

Best Answer

It is not necessary to know which products are on which CD. The installer will prompt you to insert the correct CD according to which products you are licensed to install. However, here is a list for informational purposes:
Bioinformatics Toolbox
Communications Toolbox
Control System Toolbox
Curve Fitting Toolbox
Data Acquisition Toolbox
Database Toolbox
Datafeed Toolbox
Excel Link
Extended Symbolic Math Toolbox
Filter Design Toolbox
Financial Derivatives Toolbox
Financial Time Series Toolbox
Financial Toolbox
Fixed Income Toolbox
Fixed Point Toolbox
Fuzzy Logic Toolbox
GARCH Toolbox
GADS Toolbox
Image Acquisition Toolbox
Image Processing Toolbox
Instrument Control Toolbox
License Manager
Link for Code Composer Studio
Mapping Toolbox
MATLAB Builder for COM
MATLAB Builder for Excel
MATLAB Report Generator
MATLAB Web Server
Model Predictive Control Toolbox
Neural Network Toolbox
OPC Toolbox
Optimization Toolbox
Partial Differential Equation Toolbox
RF Toolbox
Robust Control Toolbox
Signal Processing Toolbox
Spline Toolbox
Statistics Toolbox
Symbolic Math Toolbox
System Identification Toolbox
Virtual Reality Toolbox
Wavelet Toolbox
MATLAB Compiler
Aerospace Blockset
CDMA Reference Blockset*
Communications Blockset
Embedded Target for Infineon C166
Embedded Target for Motorola HC12
Embedded Target for Motorola MPC555
Embedded Target for OSEK/VDX
Embedded Target for TI C2000 DSP
Embedded Target for TI C6000 DSP
Filter Design HDL Coder
Gauges Blockset
Link for ModelSim
Model Based Calibration Toolbox
Real Time Windows Target
Real Time Workshop
Real Time Workshop Embedded Coder
RF Blockset
Signal Processing Blockset
Simulink Accelerator
Simulink Control Design
Simulink Fixed Point
Simulink Parameter Estimation
Simulink Report Generator
Simulink Response Optimization
Simulink Verification and Validation
Stateflow Coder
Video and Image Processing Blockset
xPC Target
xPC Target Embedded Option
*NOTE: As of R2006b, the CDMA Reference Blockset is no longer available for sale and no new feature development or further bug fixes will occur. More information can be found at