MATLAB: When brushing 3-d scatter, why does the marker not change


Dear all,
I might have missed some old threads but I'm rather stuck with this issue now. I'm accessing brushed data in a GUI with a 2-d scatter and a 3-d scatter. I can get the brushed data and play with them. But the brushed data points in the 3-d scatter does not change their marker color whereas brushed points in the 2-d scatter will.
I've tried some simply code (see below) and it's the same: markers change colour in 2-d scatter but not 3-d. I wonder if this is some inherent feature of brush(). Is there any way that I can change this behaviour?
scatter(rand([10, 1]), rand([10, 1]));
brush on;
scatter3(rand([10, 1]), rand([10, 1]), rand([10, 1]));
brush on;
Many thanks!

Best Answer

Are you using R2014b? There is a bug in that version. Good news is it is fixed in 15a, so if you update, brushing on scatter3 will work again.