MATLAB: Bounding Boxes at any points

computer visionimage processing

Can anyone suggest me that how do i create a bounding box on any desired coordinate in an image,, for instance, if i want to create a bounding box of size 2*2mm at the pixel coordinate 13,15 or 25,25. Is there any way to create the bounding boxes as such.

Best Answer

Hi arun,
Here's some code to do what you asked, but with everything in units of the graph/plot (not mixing mm / pixel coordinates):
boxHalfWidth = 1; %
boxXStart = x-boxHalfWidth;
boxYStart = y-boxHalfWidth;
boxWidth = 2 * boxHalfWidth;
boxHeight = 2 * boxHalfWidth;
rectangle('Position',[boxXStart boxYStart boxWidth boxHeight])
axis([0 10 0 10])
axis square
You can change the boxHalfWidth variable for different box sizes.