MATLAB: What’s wrong with this code? polygon function


I have a netcdf file containg data for a region over 4 country. I only want to have the data over specific country and not the rest of the region. I read so many document but still I cant do that and need help. here what's I've done yet:
filename= ''
time= ncread(filename,'time') %read time
lat = ncread(filename,'latitude'); %reading latitude
lon = ncread(filename,'longitude'); %reading longitude
precip = ncread(filename,'precip'); %reading the main variable precip=(lon*lat*time)
precip_mean= mean(precip, 3) %average of precip in all times
[x, y] = borders('Iran Islamic Republic of');
in = inpolygon(x,y,lon,lat) %!!!!! I GOT ERROR HERE !!!!! I write rest of code based on examples in MathWorks
surf(lon, lat, Mean_precip(:,:,:).'); view(2)
shading interp
colormap jet
hold on
pgon = polyshape (x,y,'simplify',false);
I want only precip that are in my study region's border.

Best Answer

inpolygon requires the first two arguments (query locations) to be the same size as each other, and the polygon definition in the third and fourth argument to be vectors the same size as each other. You cannot define the boundaries with 360 lat and 720 long.