MATLAB: How to filter the required coordinates which consist with same elevation

filterlat/lon coordinates

Hi there,
I have a netCDF dataset which consists of longitudes (1xN), latitudes (Mx1) and different elevations (MxN). I need to filter the lat/lon coordinates which are having zero (0 m) elevation and save those coordinates in a seperate text file.
I have used following line of codes to extract the netCDF data, but struggling the filtering part.
filename = '';
elev = ncread(filename, 'elevation')';
lon = ncread(filename, 'lon')';
lat = ncread(filename, 'lat');
I would greatly appreciate anyone can help me to solve this problem.
Thank you.

Best Answer

filename = '';
elev = ncread(filename, 'elevation')';
lon = ncread(filename, 'lon')';
lat = ncread(filename, 'lat');
[c,h] = contour(lon,lat,elev,'showtext','on','LevelList',0) ;
YOu have your o contour coordinates in c.