MATLAB: What’s the name of this block in Simulink


I am reading a tech document, I met this block, but I don't know the name of this block (I cannot search the function of this block).
Does anybody can give me any info about the name or the function of this block?

Best Answer

quick question : Do you have Simulink ?
If not, and if you don't know the blocks, you're gonna struggle with your tech document.
For your specific block, it looks like a switch block which passes a signal if a boolean condition is true, and another signal if false.
Note that I said _ it looks like _.
It's not exactly the same. I don't know your block (I use simulink for years), and I don't think it belongs to a native library of simulink.
Maybe (probably ?) , it comes from a user libray, one of your company, or one of a client, in which case you need to ask the corresponding documentation to the people who did it.
Note : In a personnal library, you can "redraw" the appearance of a block. so your block can be just a switch redesigned.