MATLAB: What’s the difference between VideoReader and vision.VideoFileReader

computer visionvideo processing

What is the difference between VideoReader and vision.VideoFileReader?
I am working on a project that requires me to locate and track an object within a video. I originally wrote the code using VideoReader, but then stumbled across vision.VideoFileReader. But I cannot really see any clear benefit between using one or the other.

Best Answer

One primary difference I can see is vision.VideoFileReader is a system object and VideoReader is not. This means the VideoFileReader allows you to generate C code out of it. Because it is a system object, it is made to work with streaming type of data (video/audio) more efficiently so it might even be faster. Also, VideoFileReader is in the Computer Vision System Toolbox whereas VideoReader is in base MATLAB for anyone to use. If you have both, you should be looking to work with only one or the other.
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