MATLAB: What section is program and what section is GUI


function poker(action)
% GUI version of classic video poker game
if nargin == 0
action = 'create';

if strcmp(action,'create')
for x = 1:5
set(findobj('tag',['pokr_hold',num2str(x)]),'BackgroundColor',[0.7 0.7 0]);
set(findobj('tag',['pokr_card',num2str(x)]),'BackgroundColor',[0.8 0.4 0.4]);
set(findobj('tag','pokr_bt'),'Userdata',[0.8 0.4 0.4]); % Store card bkgd color
if isempty(findobj('tag','pokr')) % if program is closed down while running
if strcmp(action,'quit')
close(findobj('tag','pokr')); % Close down the GUI if EXIT button clicked
close all;
if strcmp(action,'start_over')
for x = 1:5
set(findobj('tag',['pokr_hold',num2str(x)]),'BackgroundColor',[0.7 0.7 0]);
set(findobj('tag',['pokr_card',num2str(x)]),'BackgroundColor',[0.8 0.4 0.4]);
set(findobj('tag','pokr_result'),'String','Game Result Appears Here');
if strcmp(action,'deal')
% randomly select five cards from 52 possibilities
cardnum = [];
suit = {};
value = {};
numvalue = {};
if get(findobj('tag','pokr_deal'),'Userdata') == '1'
for b = 1:5
cardnum{b} = rand(1);
if cardnum{b} > .9808
suit{b} = 'Spades';
value{b} = 'Ace';
numvalue{b} = 14;
elseif cardnum{b} > .9616
suit{b} = 'Spades';
value{b} = 'King';
numvalue{b} = 13;
elseif cardnum{b} > .9424
suit{b} = 'Spades';
value{b} = 'Queen';
numvalue{b} = 12;
elseif cardnum{b} > .9232
suit{b} = 'Spades';
value{b} = 'Jack';
numvalue{b} = 11;
elseif cardnum{b} > .9040
suit{b} = 'Spades';
value{b} = 'Ten';
numvalue{b} = 10;
elseif cardnum{b} > .8848
suit{b} = 'Spades';
value{b} = 'Nine';
numvalue{b} = 9;
elseif cardnum{b} > .8656
suit{b} = 'Spades';
value{b} = 'Eight';
numvalue{b} = 8;
elseif cardnum{b} > .8464
suit{b} = 'Spades';
value{b} = 'Seven';
numvalue{b} = 7;
elseif cardnum{b} > .8272
suit{b} = 'Spades';
value{b} = 'Six';
numvalue{b} = 6;
elseif cardnum{b} > .8080
suit{b} = 'Spades';
value{b} = 'Five';
numvalue{b} = 5;
elseif cardnum{b} > .7888
suit{b} = 'Spades';
value{b} = 'Four';
numvalue{b} = 4;
elseif cardnum{b} > .7696
suit{b} = 'Spades';
value{b} = 'Three';
numvalue{b} = 3;
elseif cardnum{b} > .7504
suit{b} = 'Spades';
value{b} = 'Two';
numvalue{b} = 2;
elseif cardnum{b} > .7308
suit{b} = 'Hearts';
value{b} = 'Ace';
numvalue{b} = 14;
elseif cardnum{b} > .7116
suit{b} = 'Hearts';
value{b} = 'King';
numvalue{b} = 13;
elseif cardnum{b} > .6924
suit{b} = 'Hearts';
value{b} = 'Queen';
numvalue{b} = 12;
elseif cardnum{b} > .6732
suit{b} = 'Hearts';
value{b} = 'Jack';
numvalue{b} = 11;
elseif cardnum{b} > .6540
suit{b} = 'Hearts';
value{b} = 'Ten';
numvalue{b} = 10;
elseif cardnum{b} > .6348
suit{b} = 'Hearts';
value{b} = 'Nine';
numvalue{b} = 9;
elseif cardnum{b} > .6156
suit{b} = 'Hearts';
value{b} = 'Eight';
numvalue{b} = 8;
elseif cardnum{b} > .5964
suit{b} = 'Hearts';
value{b} = 'Seven';
numvalue{b} = 7;
elseif cardnum{b} > .5772
suit{b} = 'Hearts';
value{b} = 'Six';
numvalue{b} = 6;
elseif cardnum{b} > .5580
suit{b} = 'Hearts';
value{b} = 'Five';
numvalue{b} = 5;
elseif cardnum{b} > .5388
suit{b} = 'Hearts';
value{b} = 'Four';
numvalue{b} = 4;
elseif cardnum{b} > .5196
suit{b} = 'Hearts';
value{b} = 'Three';
numvalue{b} = 3;
elseif cardnum{b} > .5004
suit{b} = 'Hearts';
value{b} = 'Two';
numvalue{b} = 2;
elseif cardnum{b} > .4812
suit{b} = 'Clubs';
value{b} = 'Ace';
numvalue{b} = 14;
elseif cardnum{b} > .4620
suit{b} = 'Clubs';
value{b} = 'King';
numvalue{b} = 13;
elseif cardnum{b} > .4428
suit{b} = 'Clubs';
value{b} = 'Queen';
numvalue{b} = 12;
elseif cardnum{b} > .4236
suit{b} = 'Clubs';
value{b} = 'Jack';
numvalue{b} = 11;
elseif cardnum{b} > .4044
suit{b} = 'Clubs';
value{b} = 'Ten';
numvalue{b} = 10;
elseif cardnum{b} > .3852
suit{b} = 'Clubs';
value{b} = 'Nine';
numvalue{b} = 9;
elseif cardnum{b} > .3660
suit{b} = 'Clubs';
value{b} = 'Eight';
numvalue{b} = 8;
elseif cardnum{b} > .3468
suit{b} = 'Clubs';
value{b} = 'Seven';
numvalue{b} = 7;
elseif cardnum{b} > .3276
suit{b} = 'Clubs';
value{b} = 'Six';
numvalue{b} = 6;
elseif cardnum{b} > .3084
suit{b} = 'Clubs';
value{b} = 'Five';
numvalue{b} = 5;
elseif cardnum{b} > .2892
suit{b} = 'Clubs';
value{b} = 'Four';
numvalue{b} = 4;
elseif cardnum{b} > .2700
suit{b} = 'Clubs';
value{b} = 'Three';
numvalue{b} = 3;
elseif cardnum{b} > .2508
suit{b} = 'Clubs';
value{b} = 'Two';
numvalue{b} = 2;
elseif cardnum{b} > .2316
suit{b} = 'Diamonds';
value{b} = 'Ace';
numvalue{b} = 14;
elseif cardnum{b} > .2124
suit{b} = 'Diamonds';
value{b} = 'King';
numvalue{b} = 13;
elseif cardnum{b} > .1932
suit{b} = 'Diamonds';
value{b} = 'Queen';
numvalue{b} = 12;
elseif cardnum{b} > .1740
suit{b} = 'Diamonds';
value{b} = 'Jack';
numvalue{b} = 11;
elseif cardnum{b} > .1548
suit{b} = 'Diamonds';
value{b} = 'Ten';
numvalue{b} = 10;
elseif cardnum{b} > .1356
suit{b} = 'Diamonds';
value{b} = 'Nine';
numvalue{b} = 9;
elseif cardnum{b} > .1164
suit{b} = 'Diamonds';
value{b} = 'Eight';
numvalue{b} = 8;
elseif cardnum{b} > .0972
suit{b} = 'Diamonds';
value{b} = 'Seven';
numvalue{b} = 7;
elseif cardnum{b} > .0780
suit{b} = 'Diamonds';
value{b} = 'Six';
numvalue{b} = 6;
elseif cardnum{b} > .0588
suit{b} = 'Diamonds';
value{b} = 'Five';
numvalue{b} = 5;
elseif cardnum{b} > .0396
suit{b} = 'Diamonds';
value{b} = 'Four';
numvalue{b} = 4;
elseif cardnum{b} > .0204
suit{b} = 'Diamonds';
value{b} = 'Three';
numvalue{b} = 3;
suit{b} = 'Diamonds';
value{b} = 'Two';
numvalue{b} = 2;
% Deal out all five cards
set(findobj('tag',['pokr_card',num2str(b)]),'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]);
set(findobj('tag',['pokr_hold',num2str(b)]),'BackgroundColor',[0.7 0.7 0]);
if numvalue{b} > 10
if strcmp(suit{b},'Diamonds') == 1
set(findobj('tag',['pokr_card',num2str(b)]),'String',{value{b} '' 'of' '' suit{b} '' ' /\ ' ' / \ ' ' / \ ' ' \ / ' ' \ / ' ' \/ '});
set(findobj('tag',['pokr_card',num2str(b)]),'ForegroundColor',[1 0 0]);
elseif strcmp(suit{b},'Hearts') == 1
set(findobj('tag',['pokr_card',num2str(b)]),'String',{value{b} '' 'of' '' suit{b} '' ' ~~ ~~ ' ' ( \/ ) ' ' \ / ' ' \ / ' ' \/ '});
set(findobj('tag',['pokr_card',num2str(b)]),'ForegroundColor',[1 0 0]);
elseif strcmp(suit{b},'Clubs') == 1

Best Answer

All of it is GUI and all of it is program.
It would benefit from being rewritten to be more modular. And it would benefit from being rewritten without the long if/elseif chains.
The card distribution is also biased, producing an excess of 2D cards by about 1/833 .
randi(4) for the suit and randi(13) for the card value would be much easier. Or randi(52) and then ceil(value/13) to give the suit number and mod(value-1,13)+1 to give the card value.